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On-demand Webinar

Expand Your Horizons: Mastering the Art of Global Hiring in a Borderless World

Join us in this webinar to master the art of global hiring in a borderless world

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In an increasingly globalized and digital world, the potential to tap into a diverse and talented workforce is limitless. However, navigating the path of global hiring can be a complex challenge. This is where our expert-led webinar in partnership with Veremark & Innovax comes in. Whether you’re an HR director, an HR manager, or a decision-maker at a scaling company, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage the intricacies of global employment.


What you will learn

Understanding Key Factors:

Discover the essential factors that companies need to consider when planning to venture into the realm of global hiring.

Management Strategies:

Learn the most effective ways to manage and coordinate a geographically dispersed team, enabling successful collaboration across various time zones.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations:

Get acquainted with the potential legal and regulatory hurdles that come with hiring in different countries and how to navigate them.

Culture and Engagement:

Uncover strategies to maintain a robust company culture and foster engagement among employees, regardless of their location.

Remote Tech:

Explore the latest tools and technologies designed to streamline the process of global hiring and team management.

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