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Expand your global workforce in Turkmenistan

Your guide to the employment landscape, working customs and local labor laws in Turkmenistan.




Turkmenistan Manat (TMT)



GDP per Capita


Employer Tax

20% to 23.5 %

Payroll Frequency

Monthly, Bi-Monthly

Talent overview

Turkmenistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. The country is ranked 165th freest economy in the world and is 38th out of 39 among the countries in Asia-Pacific. The country sits below regional and world economical averages. Although the country has major gas and oil exports, its internal political corruption and external influence makes it difficult for the country to prosper.

Major economic hubs:

Ashgabat, Turkmenabat, Dasoguz

Skills in demand:

Engineering Professionals, Skilled Labor (Oil and Gas rigs)

Top local universities in Turkmenistan

Uni1 31

State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan


Local: 1

World : 12569

Uni3 24

Turkmen State University


Local: 3

World : 13060

Uni4 25

International Oil and Gas University


Local: 4

World : 13128

Number of LinkedIn users:

 37, 770

Where to find talent

Top Local Job Boards:

Number of LinkedIn users:

Top Recruitment Agencies:

Salary Data

Here are some jobs with average monthly salary in Turkmenistan:

Job Title Average Monthly Salary (in TMT) Average Monthly Salary (in USD)
Information Technology Manager 9,030.00 2,577.36
Network Engineer 4,780.00 1,364.31
Developer / Programmer 5,080.00 1,449.94
Project Manager 6,130.00 1,749.63
Database Administrator 4,910.00 1,401.42
Business Analyst 6,850.00 1,955.14
Business Development Manager 8,640.00 2,466.04

Employ in Turkmenistan

Employing in Turkmenistan

Hiring in Turkmenistan requires you to be aware of the local employment laws, benefits, payroll, and taxes. Given below is everything you need to know on how to successfully onboard talents from Turkmenistan.

Employee Contract

Contracts in Turkmenistan can either be verbal or written according to the Labour Code. The contract must be written in either Turkmen or Russian.

Probation Period

The probationary period for new employees are up to 6 months.

Public and Provincial Holidays

Date Name Type
1 Jan New Year’s Day Public Holiday
8 Mar International Women’s Day Public Holiday
21 Mar Nowruz Bayram (Spring Festival) Public Holiday
22 Mar Nowruz Bayram (Spring Festival) Public Holiday
21 Apr Oraza Bayram (Tentative Date) Public Holiday
18 May Constitution Day Public Holiday
28 Jun Kurban Bayramy (Tentative Date) Public Holiday
29 Jun Kurban Bayramy Holiday (Tentative Date) Public Holiday
30 Jun Kurban Bayramy Holiday (Tentative Date) Public Holiday
27 Sep Independence Day Public Holiday
6 Oct Day of Commemoration and National Mourning Public Holiday
12 Dec Day of Neutrality Public Holiday

Employee Leaves

Type of leave Time period Mandatory
Annual leave/Earned Leave 20 – 30 days Yes
Maternity Leave 112 days Yes
Sick Leave Based on requirement Yes


Payroll in Turkmenistan

Tw Payroll Img1

Payroll cycle

Workers are paid either monthly or bi-monthly.

Tw Payroll Img2

Minimum wage

The minimum wage in Turkmenistan is TMT 1,160 per month.

Tw Payroll Img3

Overtime pay

Overtime in Turkmenistan is limited for four hours for two consecutive days only. With a maximum of 120 hours of overtime work per year.

How taxes work

Employer Payroll Tax

Contributions Rate (%)
Pension Insurance Payments 20
Professional Pension Insurance (For Hazardous Jobs Only) 3.5
Total 20 (23.5)

Employee Payroll Tax

Contributions Rate (%)
Pension Insurance Payments (optional) 2

Employee Income Tax

The usual tax rate is 10% across all income classes.


The standard VAT in Turkmenistan is 15% while the export of goods (except oil and gas) and services is 0%.


13th Month Pay

The 13th-month pay is not mandatory in Turkmenistan.

Employee Benefits

Full-time employees in Turkmenistan are ensured to have insurance benefits such as

  • Pension and disability
  • Accident Insurance
  • Pregnancy and childbirth allowance
  • Birth of a child allowance
  • Childcare allowance
  • State Social benefit
  • Allowance for participant in the great Patriotic War (WWII)

Employee offboarding

The notice period before termination for probationary and regular employees depends on the contract between the two parties but is usually three days.

The severance pay in Turkmenistan depends on the duration of employment which ranges from ½ of a month to two months of salary.

Tw Visa Img

Visa and

In order to get a business visa in Turkmenistan, you first must have a Letter of Invitation (LOI) from the Turkmen State Migration Service.  You can get the LOI from the following sources.

  • Travel Agency
  • Individual
  • Turkmen Organization or Company
  • Educational Institution

When you have the LOI, then you can apply your visa in your country’s Turkmen Embassy or Consulate.  The documents will be provided upon your registration.

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